What's Happening Around SPE

SPE’s Annual Report: A Look at Achievements and the Strength of Community
SPE’s Annual Report is a ‘must-read’ snapshot, providing a comprehensive overview of our achievements, reinforcing the value of belonging to a community of like-minded individuals. As SPE President, Conor Carlin, says in SPE’s recent report, “There are few better feelings than walking into a massive conference room and seeing the SPE logo displayed prominently, particularly when it’s a section or division outside your ‘home’ group. As an individual-based organization committed to volunteerism in service of the science of plastics and polymers around the world, SPE continues to shine.” Read SPE’s Annual Report here.
SPE Australia-New Zealand Chapter Seeks Your Opinion
Speaking of gathering like-minded individuals to address and or/solve a major issue impacting the plastics industry and beyond, SPE’s PFAS in the Plastics Industry 2024, taking place October 29-30 in Baltimore, MD, will equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to tackle PFAS challenges head-on. The conference has a powerhouse agenda and will launch with a keynote address by Dr. Sharon Koh-Fallet, Branch Chief, Regulatory Review Branch, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, who will deliver a comprehensive examination of PFAS in food packaging. Register today!
ANTEC® 2025 Registration Now Open!
Get ahead of the pack and register now for ANTEC® 2025, taking place March 3-6, 2025, in Philadelphia, PA. Early registration rates are available for SPE's annual technical conference, which presents the latest advances in industrial, laboratory, academic, and international work in plastics and polymer science. ANTEC® 2025 will address plastics technologies, polymer research, new materials, innovative processes, and more. There will also be a focus on scientific, technical, or industrial problems and their solutions. In addition to a comprehensive program, ANTEC® 2025 will include networking opportunities, SPE awards, and our exclusive ANTEC® All-Access VIP Experience.
IMPACT: Injection Molding Performance Awards
SPE and the SPE Injection Molding Division (IMD) are excited to announce its upcoming IMPACT: Injection Molding Performance Awards program! The IMPACT Awards will recognize excellence in injection molding, celebrating innovation and creativity within the field. This awards program showcases the latest advancements in design, manufacturing, and applications in the plastics industry, highlighting significant work in injection molding on a national and international level. More details coming soon!
SPE's Essentials of Management & Leadership in Plastics starts Oct. 28
Be a leader in plastics! SPE's Essentials of Management & Leadership in Plastics is focused on career development, open to early to mid-level career professionals (with varying titles and roles within specific organizations) who are looking to become leaders or strengthen their leadership skills at their companies and in the plastics industry. This six-month program is delivered in an online format. Learners engage in live facilitated group training, a one-to-one coaching session, and self-paced learning components each month. Those interested in building their leadership skills should apply now - the next session starts October 28, 2024 and runs through Spring 2025. Apply here.
New Episode of PlastChicks® Podcast Out Now
PlastChicks Lynzie Nebel and Mercedes Landazuri host Emily Bowser, Process and Tooling Engineering Manager at Biomerics. They discussed improving processes to reduce scrap, the impact of mentorship on professional growth, 3D printing, advice for aspiring engineers, emerging trends in plastics manufacturing, and leaving a legacy for the plastics industry. You can listen to the PlastChicks® podcast at 4spe.org/podcasts or on YouTube!

SPE Foundation
Girl Scouts to Converge at PACK EXPO
PMMI, in collaboration with the SPE Foundation and Institute of Packaging Professionals, is set to welcome 50 Girl Scouts from the Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana Council to PACK EXPO this year. The Girl Scouts will participate in the SPE Foundation Sustainable Packaging Patch on Sunday, November 3, followed by a Q&A session with a panel of young professionals on packaging careers. The day will conclude with a tour of the show floor. To participate in our Girl Scout Council projects, please contact us at foundation@4spe.org.
Print the Future This Giving Tuesday
Get ready to PRINT THE FUTURE this #GivingTuesday! On December 3rd, the SPE Foundation is seeking your support for its 3D printer grant program. With your help, we can provide schools nationwide with cutting-edge technology that sparks imagination and creativity, preparing students for careers in manufacturing. Donate now to help us launch this campaign!
Girl Scouts Earn Patches at CAD RETEC
The SPE Color & Appearance Division welcomed a group of West Central Florida Girl Scouts at CAD RETEC, inviting them to explore the world of polymer structures and thermoplastics! The Girl Scouts earned their Color Your World with Polymer Science patch while learning about plastic coloration and appearance. Thank you, SPE CAD! Want to support more Girl Scout Council projects? Make a gift at give.4spe.org/positiveplastics!
Jr. Researchers Attend ACCE
Our new class of SPE Jr. Researchers from the William D. Ford Career-Technical Center attended the 2024 ACCE Conference to kick off the school year. The students engaged with graduate students in the poster competition and discussed career opportunities in plastics and polymer science with Leonardo Simon from the University of Waterloo. Sponsored in part by BASF and Arkema, these students all aspire to be engineers or work in the manufacturing trades. Special thanks to ACCE Co-Chair David Jack, Sponsorship Chair Teri Chouinard, and the SPE Automotive and Composites Divisions! For more information on how you can inspire our future workforce, connect with us at foundation@4spe.org.
Chapter News
Upper Peninsula Students Get the Lowdown on Plastics Science
With SPE's recently granted accreditation by the United Nations Environment Assembly, SPE has a new role in both UNEA and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), allowing for observer status for the ongoing work of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution in the development of an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution. Given this instrument's global reach, SPE's different geographical regions must stay closely connected with their local industry communities and stakeholders as discussions progress. To gain insight from SPE members and non-members in the Australian and New Zealand plastics industry, the A-NZ chapter is asking that you to complete a short questionnaire. Participating in the questionnaire will give you a 50% discount to the chapter's online event, Plastics and Circular Economy, taking place next week on Oct. 21st and 22nd, 2024. Take questionnaire here.
Industry News
PAM 2024 Call for Speakers
Plastics industry experts and thought leaders are invited to speak at PAM 2024, taking place November 27-28 in Mumbai, India. PAM, co-organized by SPE India and Polymerupdate, will showcase cutting-edge research, innovative solutions, and emerging trends in polymers, additives, and masterbatches. Abstract submission deadline is November 4th, 2024. More information here.
SPE News Story Ideas?
Know a member who is doing outstanding things in plastics or in SPE? Are you part of a chapter that is making an impact or a difference in the industry? Let us know if you have any story ideas for SPE News! Feel free to contact Chris Barry at cbarry@4spe.org.
Upcoming Events
SPE WORKSHOP: Unlocking the Secrets of Plastics with Dynamic Mechanical Analysis
Begins October 22 | Online
SPE COURSE: Material Characterization in Polymer Manufacturing: Addressing the Impact and Challenges of Recycled Materials
October 23 | Online
SPE Conference: Per- and Polyflouralkyl Substances (PFAS) in the Plastics Industry 2024
October 29-30 | Baltimore, MD
SPE COURSE: Introduction to Ultraviolet (UV) Stabilization of Thermoplastics
October 31 | Online
Plastics in Sustainability: Biopolymers and Biocomposites
November 4-6 | Online
SPE WORKSHOP: Flexible Packaging Fundamentals: Converting and Performance Considerations
Begins November 7 | Online
SPE COURSE: Plastics Failures Associated with Injection Molding Issues
November 14 | Online
View SPE's upcoming events